Happy rainy Friday :) Today is my Opa's 88th birthday! We will be celebrating tonight at The North House, which none of us have been to yet. We've heard good things! I have Monday off, and so does Curtis so we are looking forward to find something fun to do around Hartford.
Anyway! Here are some light-hearted Friday links. Enjoy!
// Have you guys seen the new Chobani branding? It's GORGEOUS and I absolutely love it. BUT...I'm not sure it's quite right for everyday day consumer yogurt.
// I read somewhere about using leather wipes for keeping your boots fresh throughout the harsh snowy/salty New England weather - very interested in trying that out! Anyone ever try it?!
// Can I be friends with them, plz?!
// Are you guys watching The Crown? I still have to start Season 2! This side-by-side of the cast vs person they are playing is pretty great.
// But is it even a Happy Friday post without a Cup of Jo article?!