Happy Friday! Have I told you I'm going to Seattle next week? I'm heading out on Tuesday for a design conference and will be there for a week! SO excited! I'm hoping to grab dinner with my cousin who lives out there, meet up for a concert with an old friend from high school/college, and then Curtis will be joining me for a long weekend. We're going to do one day of hiking, one day exploring the city and one day going on a whale watch :)
Feel free to send over any recommendations!
// I'm not exactly sure where we'll be on Saturday for the "March for Our Lives" movement, but I'm going to be at least showing my support via social media. If you are looking for some amazing art to help express and support, download some of these Refinery29 posters.
// The Most Beautiful Public High School in Every State in America - some of these are unreal!
// 11 Little Mental Health Tips That Therapists Actually Give Their Patients
// Love this teeny-tiny NYC apartment
// Just a general PSA - have you watched Love on Netflix? The third and final season just released and it's amazing! The episodes are short - you can really cruise through :)
// Loving this home trend