Happy Friday, friends! This week just flew by! Probably because I was at the printer on Wednesday and Thursday for the upcoming issue of UConn Magazine - which is always an exciting feeling. And my weekend is busy busy as well - CADC show submission logging. All of the fun back-end stuff that goes along with our big annual awards show. While it's a long day, it actually is fun because we have such a good group of people and spending a long day with them (and pizza:)) isn't bad at all! Speaking of food...those.tacos.are.so.delicious. I made them a few months ago and need to make them again asap!
Have a great weekend! xo
// Light snacks for summer are here! Love a good crostinis and these look awesome!
// If you need some new restaurant recommendations - The 2018 James Beard Award Winners
// 5 Flight Attendants Share Their Wildest Stories
// A new twist on book club - cookbook club! Where everyone picks a recipe from the same cookbook and then you get together to eat and discuss!
// Have you guys seen A Quiet Place? We're not big horror movie fans, but this was fantastic!