Happy gloomy Friday! I don’t mind since it’s looking like we’re going to start getting some consistent warm weather in the future - yay for spring! I have an exciting weekend ahead of me - 2 of my 4 zoom baby showers :) Our house looks like a cardboard bomb went off with all of the amazon boxes arriving with gifts. My sweet husband opened everything and separated everything out since things started arriving and we have no idea what is what! So excited to see some faces I haven’t seen in awhile. What are you up to this weekend? xo
// Living in CT, I feel very left out of the sweetgreen world…*sad face*… but Cupcakes & Cashmere published two dupe recipes and I am here for it!
// Something to think about as we’re teaching our kids table manners! Why the way we teach kids table manners is actually kind of racist
// "Because their grief is not a sickness, it is a loss. And loss takes time." New Zealand Approves Paid Leave After A Miscarriage
// We absolutely don’t need any more clothes for our baby boy, but I can’t get over how cute this pattern is!
// Yum, How to Bring Northern Italy Home (Until You Can Go There for Real)