Hello hello, happy rainy Friday here in CT. It’s been an uneventful week personally, but as a nation we’re dealing with yet another cop involved shooting. It continuously breaks my heart and angers me to my core. I’m still finding the right words, but as someone who is going to be a mom soon, I just hope we can do better as a country. I am disappointed with so many facets of our society these days and I want my children to grow up in a place that’s better than this! I know there are many great people working tirelessly to try to change things, and I’m continuously looking for ways to donate/speak out to help make any bit of difference. I hope you are too. Have a great weekend xo
// Amazing — Why Are Furio’s Shirts So Good on The Sopranos? “An appreciation of the most intoxicating silk tops to hit prestige TV.”
// Isn’t this the cutest carrot cake loaf you’ve ever seen?!
// So when I started using Vitamin C about a year ago, I remember texting my best friend saying I would wake up smelling “savory”. I couldn’t pin-point the smell exactly, but it was…different lol Welp, apparently it’s a thing! I don’t think I specifically smell “hot dogs”, but it’s hilarious that it’s a thing! Why Vitamin C Serums Smell Like Hot Dogs: An Investigation
// My husband and I have a new favorite show to fill in the hole of The Great British Baking Show that we highly recommend…The Great Pottery Throwdown! It’s *literally* the same show structure, but with pottery (and a host with INTERESTING hair lol) and will bring joy to your life. Highly recommend!!
// I planted some creeping phlox around our walkway this week and am so excited to see it fill out in the next few years! I got a beautiful blue/purple color that will eventually solidify around our entrance :)