Hi! It’s our first week out of retrograde and although it was still a bit chaotic, I could feel the change *hallelujah*. Obviously COVID-19 is still causing some real problems and tension around the country/world but I’m trying to be as chill as I can…not “fly all over the country because of cheap flights” chill (ugh that sounds so good tho), but trying to not let it get to me mentally and wash my damn hands as much as possible! Hand cream sales must be going through the roof - I didn’t think these old things could get any drier!
We did get news late this week that our office will be working from home until April 6th, so things will be very different for me day to day! Curtis will also be working from home as well which will be a nice change of pace :) Trying to think on the brighter side these days! Have a great weekend xo
// I don’t need this in any way, shape or form, but it’s SO fun! I always want weird camping gear haha
// We just bought a Boos cutting board that we’re super into, but I’ve been hearing good things about the reBoard, made from recycled plastic and renewable sugarcane - interesting!
// Bold statement, ha — The Best Brownies Come From a Box and I Will Not Apologize
// I am feeling these outfits so much! I tend to love simplified, but unique looks. I think I might need some Vans :)
// When in Germany a few years ago, we saw (and ate) spargel everywhere! I had no idea it was so special - Why Germany Calls This Vegetable 'White Gold'
// How To Gently Clean Vintage Brass With Two Household Ingredients