Well, we’re through week 1 of WFH! It wasn’t too bad, and since we’re here for the foreseeable future, it’ll have to do! Curtis and I decided to do one lunch and one dinner take out meal this week to help support local restaurants and we will continue as long as we can. We’re also going to facetime and “virtually" see as many friends and family as we can while we’re away from them. Our main source of entertainment has been our bird feeder and suet feeder! We’ve seen so many fun birds: carolina wrens, red wing black birds, northern flickers, downey woodpeckers, red bellied woodpeckers, house finches, grackles, starlings, mockingbirds, titmouses (titmice?), chickadees and more! What have you been doing to keep busy?
// 43 Ways to Cook With Canned Tomatoes, Your Pantry Hero
// My friend at CT Eats Out created an extensive list of CT restaurants, breweries and coffee shops affected by COVID-19 with updated schedules, menus, deals, etc. Check it out here.
// A bunch of musicians are playing and streaming their music for free - which is amazing! We watched a few Ben Gibbard sets, here’s one of them.
// Interesting take on Gourmet Makes!
// Are you guys watching Little Fires Everywhere? I read the book a few years ago and started the show last night! I’m excited to remember the storyline as I watch :)
// I might need to do some baking soon - this recipe looks delicious!