And here we are, in April! The end of week 3 working from home…and what a week it’s been. This week felt different than the rest, and not in a good way. But onward and upward - it’s almost the weekend and that’s exciting! We have a happy hour video date with friends, plans to make cookies, and a few small home projects to knock out - all in all, not bad! What are you up to this weekend? xo
// Loving these DIYs from HonestlyWTF - Embroidery Doodles & Perler Bead Jewelry
// This video is thoroughly enjoyable
// I bought this print this week and can’t wait to frame it and get it up on the wall!
// Speaking of prints…love this bathroom art! :)
// Daydreaming of when we can travel again…
// We have been making this soup a lot since being home…it’s just so good!!