How are you doing, friends? I know life is basically all covid-19 all the time, but at least there are some sweet things happening on the internet :) In case you haven’t seen some of them, I’m linking to a few below. I’ve also been trying to send positive vibes out to my friends with two graphics I made this week for my instagram - “it’s okay to not be okay” and “we’re in this together”. Any plans to video chat with family and friends this weekend? We have a “fancy happy hour” after work today with my brother and his gf to dress up and catch up! xo
// Too cute - Cowboy Museum Puts Their Head Of Security In Charge Of Their Twitter, And His Tweets Are Hilariously Wholesome
// One of my favorite instagram follows - Why Scrolling Through Cheap Old Houses on Instagram Is So Soothing
// Trying to embrace dolce far niente, “the sweetness of doing nothing” - When in Quarantine, Do As the Italians Do
// While trying to support small and local businesses, I purchased a fun patch from Juniper Vintage. It is a patch from The American Museum of Natural History - where my great grandfather Ernst Mayr worked for 22 years! And while confirming this fact with wikipedia, I found an interesting fact that was fun to do a little digging on. “In 1931 he (Ernst) accepted a curatorial position at the AMNH, where he played the important role of brokering and acquiring the Walter Rothschild collection of bird skins, which was being sold in order to pay off a blackmailer.” I was like wait what?! So I found a little article about it here! Very cool :)
// Might have to do this! COVID-19 Outdoor Activity Of The Day: Plant A Veggie Garden