Welp, this past week didn’t go as planned! We were without power from Tuesday afternoon until around 11:45 on Friday night (hence no Friday post!) from Hurricane Isaias but we’re back! We are incredibly lucky to have a gas stove and water heater, but damn it was hot without AC ha. It was just such an odd thing to add to the mix with covid…normally we’d go to a friends house who had power, or go see a movie, but that’s not really doable these days. Counting down the days until there’s a vaccine!!
But looking forward to a (hopefully) more relaxed week this week. And as always, #blacklivesstillmatter.
p.s. that’s me in the photo above! It was so fun getting a little creative up in NH - you can see a few more shots here.
// Side-by-Side Beds Isn’t Such a Bad Idea - Curtis and I joke about how we’d probably get a better nights sleep if we had separate beds (or at least separate blankets like some European countries do!)
// Do you guys follow the instagram account @accidentallywesanderson? And did you know they’re coming out with a book this fall? Fun stuff!
// This mask is sooooo cute #flowerpower
// Ha, What’s in Your Arm Party?
// Are we surprised?! The Mask Slackers of 1918